Getting Started

A getting-started guide that will help you find your way around Soundbort.

So you've chosen Soundbort. I hope you like your time with the bot!

Soundbort is a custom soundboard bot for Discord. It's supposed to be as user-friendly as Discord allows it. Help making it better and more user-friendly is always appreciated. If you have improvements, check out the Contributing page. But first read this guide.


Soundbort offers three different collections of audio samples, called soundboards.

  • The standard soundboard, that's the same for everyone and a starting point if you haven't added your own samples yet

  • Server soundboards, that the moderators of a Discord server manage and all members of that server can play any sample of that soundboard

  • And personal aka. user soundboards, that are tied to a discord user and allows them to take their sound samples with them across servers.

If you're a server moderator and are interested in how to restrict modification to your server's soundboard, check out the Server Moderation Guide page.

Last updated